Browsing: The Gospel

Articles on the saving gospel of Jesus Christ


“Why don’t you go to church?” 12 reasons for church ministers to reflect on I asked this question on Facebook and placed a caveat: abusive and inflammatory comments will be deleted #Maturity. The responses were generally mature. Even the passive-aggressive comments were mild. I received many responses. Many commented directly on the status. Some wrote to me personal inboxes with…More


It’s a new year! God be praised if you are in it, alive and well. The newness of the year often brings a new bounce to our steps. It is almost as if life is lived more intentionally in the month of January. We seem to be intentional about our health, our relationships, our careers and together with all that…More


October 31st is the Evangelical church’s anniversary for the Reformation. On this date in 1517, Martin Luther of Germany confronted the Pope and the prevalent Roman Catholic doctrine that had deviated from the truth of the scriptures by presenting a document called the 95 theses. Martin Luther was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, and monk. His main bone…More


When we address Love, Sex and Relationship issues in conferences and events, many professing believers ask us, “Is it okay for me to date or marry an unbeliever?” The answer may seem obvious to many mature followers of Jesus, but for many growing believers, this question ought to be answered well for them to understand why the answer is “No.”…More


Is man good and occasionally does bad things? Or is man bad and occasionally does good things? Many people in Kenya consider themselves the first kind and their political enemies the latter. “I am a good person,” they say to themselves. “I just happen to occasionally tweet or write bad Facebook updates. But even my so called bad tweets and updates…More


Today in my quiet time, I was reading Luke chapter 2. I got to the part where the shepherds that were tending their flocks by night and an angel of the LORD appeared in God’s tremendous glory and they were afraid. The angel appeased the shepherds and announced that a saviour had been born. It was the birth of Jesus.…More


A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of teaching a group of about 15 teenage boys. I was taking them through a series on biblical manhood. Before we read from the scriptures, I began by narrating an unfortunate incident that occurred to a friend of mine. One Sunday night, earlier this year, two lady friends of mine walked from…More


The two thieves on the cross teach us a compelling message on God’s salvation. The thief that mocked Jesus only believes in a salvation that involves him getting out of the current pain he is facing. And when Jesus does not do that, he insults him and is almost vividly upset that he is still on the cross.  Many people…More


This week, I was teaching a workshop on sexuality to some teenagers and I said “Sex is a great thing!” About three of them giggled. A few of them blushed and many looked at me as if I had said some unpardonable words. After some further interaction with them, I realised that most of them had lived all their teenage…More


A quick and light glance at the Old Testament and you almost feel as if God is a raging volcano that can never be quenched. The wrath of God is often an ignored topic in many evangelical circles today. Some professing believers don’t like to handle it because it raises questions that they are unable to answer. Some try to…More


Hi Ernest. What is the verse in the Bible that talks about not being an extremist? It says something like don’t overdo evil and don’t be too wise. Instead avoid all extremes. What is the reference and what does it mean? How can I avoid the extremes of my spiritual life? Hello, Beloved. The verse you are looking for is…More


Pastor Timothy Keller once said, “The Bible is not about you.”  He is right. The Bible is about one central character- Jesus. Jesus Christ is not a random character who appeared in the 40th book in the Bible i.e. Matthew. Jesus was not the plan B of salvation after plan A of the Law “failed.” Jesus is the main theme of the…More


“She doesn’t drink, she doesn’t smoke, she doesn’t sleep around. She must be a born-again Christian.” How many times have you heard that? Too many people in our post-modern culture would agree with that statement. Too many people are wrong. The truth is that our world is filled with many morally upright people who believe that their good behaviour equals…More