Browsing: Guest Blogger

Articles by guest writers on Pen Strokes


Today’s blog is by a guest by the name Phoebe Mueni. Mueni is a friend to my wife and I. We have hosted her on Boy Meets Girl. Her blog is Red and White. The guest blog for the day can be found on this link here. THE NEED PORN CAN’T MEET In the pursuit of love and satisfaction in…More


This article is a reblog from My wife, Waturi contributed to the blog by writing a letter to her younger self. This can minister to young women before they enter the marital union. Dear Turi, I see you in Chemistry Class, 17 years old and day dreaming about your marriage. How boy crazy were you?? Anyway, you have THE…More


Today’s blogpost is by a friend of mine called John Kigada. John Kigada is a Leadership Educator and Social Entrepreneur at the Cipher Taifa Foundation.  His scholarly and curricula interests include Christology, mate selection by males, music leadership, and biblical entrepreneurial leadership. He and I started the “Dating and Purpose” seminar this year and it was successful. John is a…More


Today’s blog is by a good friend of mine, Pastor David Ewagata. We hosted him and his wife, Rose, in August this year on our relationships forum, Boy Meets Girl. He is full of wisdom from God. This blog was initially posted on his Facebook timeline and reposted here with his permission. Ewagata has been married for over 16 years and is…More


Dear Reader, Once in a very long while we allow a guest writer to share profound wisdom on Pen Strokes. So far, Pen Strokes has been graced by the brilliant Owuor Kuyoh, the brave and admirable Ess Kimemia. Today, I introduce to you the Wise Keith. Keith and I met in high school. We served in the Praise and Worship team;…More


Dear reader, In 2012 I made a radical decision to get married young from an impression I received from the Lord. Today’s blog has something to do with that. Today’s blogpost is by a friend to my wife and I. Her name is Esther (AKA Ess). The three of us served in the Student government at USIU in the years…More


Dear reader, Today’s blogpost is from a guest-writer, Mr. Owuor Kuyoh who has written for Pen Strokes before. His writing is one I admire and his ministry is one that inspires. We are of the same body, same doctrine and same spirit with Kuyoh. This particular piece I highly recommend to anyone experiencing sexual struggles, especially those in the body…More


Dear reader Today’s blogpost is by Mr. Owuor Kuyoh. Owuor has guest-written for Pen Strokes before. See his previous article by clicking here. I hope that Kuyoh’s article will inspire heroism in you like it did in me. May the spirit of Christ be reflected in the words of this blog. Grace & Peace Ernest SLINGING STONES One of life’s most head…More

Dear reader, Today’s blogspot is a guest article from a writer I admire. Mr. Owuor Kuyoh. I asked Owuor to guest write this week on Pen Strokes because the same spirit and the same ministry or reconciliation rests in his heart and lies in his words. Not only will you enjoy this read but you will be transformed to devote yourself to a league…More