Tagged: Doctrine


We are gathered here today to mourn the untimely death of our dear beloved Self. He was a devoted fornicator, esteemed thief, cherished blasphemer and a wonderful sanctimonious man that we all loved to hate. Early life and Education Self was born promptly at the same time his biological body came into this earth. He was empowered by the gloriously…More


Søren Kierkegaard  once said, “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” The Christian faith when it first came into the scene was too incredible to believe. To say that God loves, God incarnated himself into Christ, God died, resurrected and that He associates with the…More


Below are three unbiblical statements that some Christians often use that are not true. God helps those who help themselves This statement is not in the Bible. The intended meaning of this statement is often to encourage men and women not to sit around when their lives fall apart but to actually do something. While God-given freewill is noble, this…More


Assuredly I say unto thee, the controversy in this blog title will generate legendary traffic. Why so? A regular reader will know that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, born-again and awed by his Grace and Mercy. And so in light of that, they may ask themselves, “Did he really once get drunk?” The thing is, I don’t really…More


Growing up, the TV programmes, the cartoons, the grownups, the teachers and even some religious leaders said that bad people go to hell and good people go to heaven. I believed it. I grew up struggling to be good only to realize that no matter how good I became, I wasn’t heaven-bound. I said the sinner’s prayer and went to…More


Imagine yourself in debt. Imagine yourself in two kinds of debt. The first is your electricity bill worth 750 KES. The second is a tax bill from the government for arrears worth 8million KES. Imagine by some unfathomable reason, you incurred both. You can afford the electricity bill but you cannot afford the tax arrears. If you don’t pay your…More