Tagged: New Year


Is your Church’s “theme for the year” really from God? As the New Year starts, churches in my country roll out themes for the year. Most of these themes are rolled out in vigils as churches cross into the New Year together. The themes are often things that God is saying to the local church to guide them for the…More


It’s a new year and I know that many are excited. For the follower of Christ we know the scriptures that teach “The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.” Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NIV). The quality of the year is not evaluated by our new year plans and promises. Rather its quality is determined at…More


Writing a pro-resolutions blog is outdated, un-newsworthy and too cliche to read. At least that’s what the Internet is saying. It’s 2015 and we want something new, right? Even your friends are saying it too. There is probably that one person that convinced you that they abandoned the business of sitting down with pen and paper in January with the…More


      1. January January was a hard month. I was out of home for the first time in my life and I was living with a new wife! When I heard my parents say that the January financial blues can strike you hard, I never paid any attention really. Well, all that lack of attention paid off in January.…More


My country celebrates a 50-year jubilee of independence this year. Kenyans like myself expect a lot during this anniversary. We expect a new president. We expect a new parliament. We expect a better police force. On a personal level, there are things that I too expect. I expect to get a raise. I expect to be in good health. I…More