Hi Ernest, your blog articles have helped me a lot. Please don’t stop writing. Often we criticize men of God when they fail and keep mum when they do well. I think it is a disservice to the Body of Christ. I’m learning to appreciate the people God is using to build me. But that’s not why I am writing. I have a personal question, drawn from one of your confessions, and I know you won’t mind answering it. This is the question: How did you get out of porn and masturbation? I know you’ve written a whole book on this (Lust and the City), but, can you give me a crash course?
Hi there. Thanks for the kind words. A crash course? Haha! Okay, here goes, but ensure you also grab a copy of Lust and the City and get more content. I was stuck in the rut of porn and masturbation for a long time. I was born again, serving in Church and even leading Bible studies but I was living a double life. I know there are born again Christians out there who want to get out of the same rut but are too afraid to talk to someone about it. How did I get out? I think a more important question is “How did I get in?” You cannot fight an enemy you do not understand. And part of understanding the addiction of porn and masturbation is knowing its anatomy. Plain and blatantly, porn and masturbation is a lust problem. The reason I was struggling is because I was lustful. You must realise this: that an unbeliever who is lustful is in that state, primarily, because they are not redeemed. A believer who is lustful is in that state because they are not renewed. Being redeemed is to be converted to Christ. Being renewed is to be conformed to Christ. I was redeemed but my mind was not renewed by truth. And so I was deceived.
Before porn and masturbation was an issue, my major tussle with the Holy Spirit was my movies and series in my laptop. They had sex scenes and half naked women but I saw no need to be so strict about them because after all, I was doing pretty well with my spiritual disciplines. Today, it looks like this: Watching Scandal but reading my Bible. Following Game of Thrones but praying every day. Going to catch Deadpool but leading a Bible Study. Indulging in Empire but remembering to fast. Making out with my girlfriend but condemning homosexuality. I didn’t get why other Christians were so uptight on these issues. I was doing both and I was okay. The important thing is balance, right? I told myself that I wasn’t like those weak Christians who watched one episode and struggled. I was strong, I said to myself. Little did I know that the smooth tentacles of deception were sucking me into sin.
1st Corinthians 10:12 says “Be careful if you think you are standing lest you fall.”
I thought I was standing not realising that my arrogant pride was fuelling the deception. The queer thing about being deceived is that you never feel deceived; but that’s part of the deception process. Deception aligns with sin which often resonates with our hedonistic emotions; so you may feel in love with your girlfriend but that feeling does not stop fornication from being a sin. In the same way, one may feel hungry but that does not make stealing food justified. Beloved, you know you are deceived when you find yourself asking how close to sin’s border you can get instead of asking how close to righteousness you can get. When you find yourself justifying the sinful yet you still insist that you are walking with God, be warned. And as I delved deeper into my sin, my entertainment grew more lewd, my boundaries with other girls grew more blurry, my relationship with my godly girlfriend grew more tense.
C.S. Lewis once said that sin is the suspicion that God is not good. Lewis is right. This is how sin thrives. Eve was deceived because for a brief moment she was made to believe that God was not good; that He was hindering her from the best. And in our deception, God’s ways seem repulsive, outdated, impractical and burdensome and so we violently and passionately go against what he commanded. Beloved, each time we fail to heed God’s commands it is because we had already accepted in our minds that God’s plan is not good or God himself is not good. And if that deception is rife, Beloved, we have bigger problems than the consequences of sexual sin. Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 13:5 that is it possible in that rifeness of thought that we are not born again in the first place. In that verse we are asked to test ourselves and see if we are genuinely in the faith. And that is the ultimate deception, Beloved; to think of oneself regenerate while still being dead in one’s sins and transgressions. To stand before Christ on Judgement Day with a beaming proud face only to be told, “I never knew you.”(Mathew 7:21-23). Beloved, are you deceived? Or in simpler terms, are you fighting God’s word?
My slow fade towards pornography began. I got addicted to masturbation and my walk with God suffered. My mind was filled with filthy thoughts and I saw every woman as an object to satisfy my lust. One was never enough. I was severely tempted to sleep with some of them but the grace of God held me back always. I kept saying that this was the last time I would fall into sin but i found myself back at it. I tried to stop and I couldn’t. The struggle raged for months. I was trapped. The worst part of it was that I was in a relationship; the guilt was consuming me like cancer! I kept saying I was in control but deep down I knew I was the puppet. I kept quiet about my struggle and it felt like my bones within me wasted away. I did not want people to think “Ernest, the great guy from Church who quotes scripture was a hypocrite!” When a follower of Christ struggles with sexual sin, there is a depressing feeling of hopelessness that follows. In my struggle, I never imagined that the day of victory would come. I would cry every time and say to God that I’m sorry and that this was the last time but I would fall back, chronically. It is unfortunate that when it comes to sexual sin our lives are often reactive than proactive. Truth is the antidote against deception and it helps us make proactive choices. But when truth is rejected, the disease takes a toll and we realise we are in a disaster only when the consequences set in. My consequences did set it. It was at this point of disaster that I saw that God was good and my heart was evil. It was at this point when I not only understood with my mind but also with my heart that the plans he has for me are good. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.”
Masturbation and porn were not joy-givers; they were joy killers despite their momentary pleasure. They left me empty, unspiritual and useless in the faith. Since I realized I had been deceived I began to read the truth of God’s word. God’s word had a character similar to me. She was a woman but she possibly had a sexual conundrum as well. He name was not given. The writer only identifies her as “the woman at the well.” In John chapter 4, Jesus meets a woman at a well. The woman has had five husbands and the man she is living with is not even her husband. She has been in and out relationships and she has no soul satisfaction. She offers Jesus literal water from the well. Jesus does a counter offer; he proposes to give her living water that will quench the thirst for her soul. Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14. Like the woman at the well, all our souls are craving for that living water. That living water is a relationship with God. It gives us acceptance, identity, security and purpose. Beloved, the most fulfilment comes from the fount of living water. Lust is a craving for sin and for deliverance to take place you must smell the living water and have a craving for freedom and righteousness. It hit me hard that the core reason I was struggling was because I had a misplaced joy. God was not my delight. He was my Saviour but he was not my delight. Watching a TV series seemed to thrill me more than meditating on a few Psalms. Catching the latest movie thrilled me more than sharing the Gospel. I had lost my first love. If I could retrace my delight, I could get my deliverance. All other earthly delights demanded me to serve them but God was the only delight who served me by dying in my place on Calvary. I fell in love with my Creator again and I took the first step in delighting in him; I obeyed his word in Proverbs 28:13 that says “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” (NIV). I confessed my sin to God and to a group of believers.
Delight in God: Confess to God
When we don’t confess our sins to God, our souls decay. We ought to stop blaming the person who sent us the porn link. We ought to stop blaming all who we think are guilty and take up responsibility for our sin. Psalm 32:3-5 says “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin.”(NIV)
Delight in God: Confess to people
Next, confess to people. But people ask, “Must I confess to someone? Can’t I just confess to God?” I know sexual sin is shameful, Beloved. But it is also darkness and it needs to be exposed to light for it to be defeated. Beloved, this particular sin needs to be confessed to God’s people because it thrives in secrecy and lack of accountability. We must confess to fellow believers and overcome the fear of judgement because that is the place where the Lord has placed our healing. See what James 5:16 says “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (NIV). I found healing and restoration in the Body of Christ. I was too guilty to pray; the prayers of the brethren restored me. Too many of us are hell-bent on the bad stories and ignore the countless good stories of confession. God is not changing his mind about James 5:16, Beloved. Confess and you will find healing. True believers with God’s love abound in the Body of Christ.
Confessing your struggle is like flicking the switch in a dark room. The darkness not only scatters but you also see how messed up the room really is. In silence, you can deceive yourself that the problem is not that big, especially when the world makes fun of pornography and jokes about lewd matters. When you expose your darkness, God has a way of showing you how dangerous the path you’re treading on is. This is necessary because a believer who remains quiet in their sinful addiction can be taken over by it until they have no control. It takes a step of humility to admit that you are failing. It’s not the overwhelming addiction that keeps us tied down; it is our pride to admit the problem. If we don’t confess, the clutches of lustful addictions, especially pornography and masturbation can weigh down the follower of Christ to the point of depression. Once we confess, the Lord will awaken our desire for our spiritual disciplines. You enjoy doing them because you relate with God as opposed to ticking them for having done them religiously.
Delight in God: Gouge out your eye
Jesus said in Mark 9:47 that if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out. Divorce the source of lust. It has many facets- ending a relationship, changing your friends, deactivating social media accounts, etc. What is the eye that causes you to sin? Jesus says to gouge it out. For me, my sinful eye was popular TV series. When I was delivered, I have never returned because no matter how innocent those TV series seemed, there were always laced with subtle sexual scenes that fanned the flames of lust. Here is where the real test of following Christ comes in, Beloved- counting the cost. And it asks us this: Is Christ so great a delight that we can do away with our entertainment? Is Christ so great a delight that we can do away with our boyfriend? Is Christ so great a delight that we can do away with our Instagram? Or is our entertainment, boyfriend, girlfriend, social media that draws us to sin greater a delight than the one who bore our sins? Don’t be fooled by your disciplines, like I was. Many Christians are practising their disciplines but are not getting delivered from these lustful entanglements. Why? Because despite reading the word, praying and fellowshipping with other believers, they are also keeping bad company and watching lustful media that is not “necessarily pornographic” politically-correctly speaking. God’s rule in eternity is a Kingdom, not a democracy; political-correctness for many believers today is simply sin dipped in chocolate. The core is still sin. People say “Ernest, you’re being too extreme; it’s never that serious.” And I ask them, “How extreme and serious was Jesus Christ when he bled on a Roman cross for me?” He died for me; I shall live for Him.
Discussion98 Comments
It's like you were speaking directly to me.I have managed to put off my desire for the word,time with God,serving in church.Convincing myself that I can get out of it before it gets so bad.But,each day is worse.I honestly do not want to be in this any more.It leaves me empty and feeling like a betrayer.
I need help honestly.
Amen. Beloved! I am praying for you. Please feel free to inbox us for any further help
Needs deliverance from mustarbation and pornographic videos
Hey Solo, write to me info@penstrokes.co.ke
I am a girl. At some point growing up I was molested by our maid. It wasn’t painful. The way she touched my body gave me pleasure. From there as little as I was I learnt to touch myself to give myself sexual pleasure. Since little God has been gracious I didn’t do it too much to get addicted, they were I actually didn’t do it, 6 years of my high school I think. But it came back. I do not do it regularly. Maybe I masturbate in thrice in 2 consecutive days in a month or even skip months, go a long time, but it comes back and it’s been like this over the years. Pornography has potential fuel it I have observed, it creates a deep urge, images that flash in my head that I just want to watch more and masturbate more. I have been fortunate so to say, I can rarely access internet therefore I am not yet drawn deeper. I am afraid of a deep addiction I can to untangle myself from. I am afraid I will stay alone and get all the internet access. I am afraid of being further enslaved. I am a believer who is cold and warm time to time. Sometimes I pray intensely sometimes I don’t. I am afraid of pornography’s chains. God help me please please!!! Sexual sins make feel like I don’t deserve God’s grace to protect me. I am afraid I am full of demons and the Holy Spirit can’t live in me. My life is not shaping up, I can’t find a place for my masters study, I can’t complete projects I dream to complete, I can’t find a job, I am confused and stuck. I want to study, publish my books I seem not to be able to finish, to do community work, things I love. I believe a cloud of misfortune on me comes from the fact that God can’t protect me because of sexual sins. I am drowning in these sins. I also have feeling for girls, a thing I have not acted upon but it builds about in mind as I find myself lusting for girls.
I find my caught in a web of lust; masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, fornication. My relationships also don’t work, I am disappointed by men. God reach out to help me. Please give me a testimony of your deliverance.
Hello Beloved, My heart goes out to you. I would like to help you. Please Whatsapp me +254 724 112 130. You will be free! Ernest Wamboye
Yes I need a total delevernce from watching pono and Masturbation, it makes me feel guilty when I go to the house of the Lord, and makes me feel that God will not save me. I want to get very closer to God, so I go to heaven.
I’m innocent chipundu from Zambia and I murstarbate for more than 5years by now I try to stop but I fail to stop every night when I sleep I usually start pretend that I’m with my ex girlfriend precious and after I start feeling big be urge of murstarbate it’s affect alot of my life I’m now 24 year’s whetever I try to it’s just fail in education I fail to do well even in my finances I’m jobless by now no good results in my education by now I need God delivence to this spirit of murstarbatation
Please download our book for free. It will help you. https://www.penshop.penstrokes.co.ke/downloads/lust-and-the-city-a-guide-on-sexual-purity-ebook/
Pray for me …I have the similar problem too.i need to start again.i need Jesus in my life
Praying, Christine. Please download our book that will help you be free right here. The book is free of charge. Here is the link https://www.penstrokes.co.ke/product/lust-and-the-city-a-guide-on-sexual-purity-ebook/
Deliverance is in Christ Jesus. Through confession to God and fellow accountable believers is the way. Then walk away and turn to righteousness. God bless you Ernest. Its a blessing for our generation. Walking in purity. God given righteousness. Shalom.
Hi anonymous..
He doesn't condemn you!!! But reminds you WHO YOU ARE.. CHOOSE TO LISTEN TODAY TO WHO YOU ARE..
Truth truth truth! God bless. Umesaidia wengi
Can a person who stopped watching porn have a problem in his /her marriage in future?
If they stop and repent it will avoid problems. If they don’t it will have profound effects on your marriage.
Hey ,,,thanks for the helpful words and part of your story
Thank you Ernest for the work you are doing. You are truly a blessing to us who are still caught up in this maneno
You will get out!
I am a girl.I have never had the courage to confess. I probably will not but I will confess here.I was exposed to pornography when I found a graphic magazine my cousin was reading and found it inppropriately disturbing.Months later I was downloading games on a website when I saw a link for videos written xxx. I didn't know what that was. But when I opened it the lure never stopped. I've struggled with it for almost 10 years.then I finally decided it had to stop.I had nights when I cried after certain scenes and I prayed fervently and still cried.dating non Christians worsened the situation.But an year ago I decided to stop.I exited those sites.I stopped dating non believers after listening to God's clear message.I attended Boy meets girl 3 and it fuelled my spirit. All this time I was a born again Christian but now I'm seeking renewal.I read on the effects that pornography has in fuelling child trafficking for sex trade and that the women used there are at times on drugs and under force.I promised myself that I would stop destroying my relationship with God and fuelling a trade that goes against all human rights.I'm in a healthy relationship now and I will never go back in Jesus name.I will attend Boy meets girl 4.In all this I thank God for his saving grace because I never slept with any man.Wamboye thank you for inspiring us to live right.
You are in my prayers, Beloved. I pray you find the courage and the fellowship to confess, it will free you!
Wow! Great piece full of truth.be blessed Ernest
I'm a girl too and I have struggled with both … Funny how people think this is just a male issue. Sometimes I think I'm completely over it but out of the blue a thought will come into my mind, or a memory. Most times I focus on God and His grace takes me through but other times I fall. I used to feel so beaten down and condemed,I'd just linger in sin. I didn't want to pray, I couldn't even look myself in the mirror. I would feel so dirty, so unworthy of God. How could I pray ? I don't know how but as I grow closer to God I begin wanting the things He wants. My heart is in line with His. Even if I do slip up I want to run to God as quickly as possible. I don't wollow in sin for days on end feeling sorry for myself. God is faithful and sure to hold us up as we lean on Him.
Keep running to him, Beloved! Keep running and don’t stop!
I have struggled too with both and i could be worst. This article has been a great boost. Especially now that I am trusting God for redemption.Its an uphill task, But The God in me is greater. Pray with me. I shall attend the Sunday conferences as much. Thanks Ernest.
Porn is good. I created it for a reason. Beware of false prophets who denounce my creation.
^ Your comment is more hilarious than blasphemous. Porn is evil.
Do you really wanna argue with the Lord Your God? I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things (Isaiah 45:7). Everything the LORD does is good.(Psalm 145:17-19 ). Surely, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:
What has the world come to? “Pray for those who oppose you and persecute you for my name’s sake,” Jesus told us. I have prayed for you so that the deception of darkness may fall off your eyes. Whoever you are, you may call yourself God but you are not; there is only one God and he does not misquote scripture and condone evil in the hearts of men. You will stand before the judgement one day and account for the careless words you've said (Matt 12:36). Jesus warned us that many would come in the last days claiming to be God (Matthew 24:24). Some of your kind will even do wonders and miracles by the power of demons but they only have a form of godliness and lacking the true power and fruit. Pornography is not of God, but of the father of lies, the Devil. Sexuality IS of God. Porn is not a creation but a corruption- a distortion of the beautiful gift of sex and God hates it because it hurts men and destroys God's beauty. To call it good and to claim God made it is to call God a liar. Repent and be saved in the name of Jesus! The enemy shall not intimidate the Ministry because on this Rock did Jesus build his church and not even the Kingdom of Hades shall prevail over it. I speak to you again, imposter, repent and be saved in the name of Jesus! There is hope for you because the scriptures say whoever blasphemes against the Son of God will be forgiven but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven.
It’s not the overwhelming addiction that keeps us tied down; it is our pride to admit the problem.,..I like that statement- absolute true reality…..A key advice given to me by one of my leaders is that, The devil thrives in darkness, thus exposing the darkness is the only way to emerge victorious. Shine the light let the darkness flee, which is as automatic as when you switch on light in a room, the darkness doesn't debate whether to go, but automatically gets subdued!
Thanks Ernest, I really needed this.
Thank you for being real and honest.
You are a blessing.I Thank God for people like you.I can’t even tell how many years been addicted to porn,I think over ten years now.I watch then delete history incase someone uses my phone n trace it.I go to church,preach,teach,scriptures in my lips but always have guilt of confessing.Am an addict of all series youve talked about,there is a time i stopped watching them n remember vividly my urge for porn was out of me think was busy with school work but later am back n i keep track of them my urge of porn is on its peak.Have dated boys n men who are christian n non-christian who have led me to sex.But always had a conscience of christianity in me,God has been faithful cz it haunts me.I asked a friend to pray for me,she did her part but i feel bad it’s still wrestling with me to watch.Now am from watching one n suddenly someone posted your link in a group n read it.I want to be clean,I lost my job cz I couldnt sleep with my boss and If i respect that how can i watch porn n still ask God to give me a healthy job.Pray for people like us.I cant kneel down cz am a sinner n not worthy but I know His grace is sufficient in weakness.I confessed to my boyfriend he is prayerful n said he will do it on my behalf.May the good Lord bless you and I hope this will be a testimony to me one day.I want to be reformed n conformed in His word.
I am praying for you, Beloved. Please get a copy of my book from Keswick bookshop. I was where you were too. The LORD is able to save!
Thank u for the article it has really talked to me i hav struggled with mastebation for a longtime while still going to church even being a youth leader sometimes i thot i was over it bt i kept going back leaving me with a feeling of emptiness i would like to be pure again and come out of this darknesss
Thanks for sharing brother. May you find your deliverance. Gouge out the eye that causes you to sin and spend time with God.
A wonderful eye opener
Suffice to say, God is looking upon all the hunger and thirst for Him and He will come and save His beloved, now that they call upon Him, for who comes up to the hill of the Lord, He whose hands are clean and heart is pure.
So hear our cry as young people ,God.
We desire one thing and one thing alone to be Holy just as you are Holy, come to our aid that we may be strong to accomplish your intent upon the earth.
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Please keep me in prayer…this is where God draws the line….I want to completely surrender to God…this ugly addiction…I want my joy and delight back…thank you for being obedient to God….Im holding on to His Word and Mercy..
I have prayed for you. You will overcome!
Thank you for this. I’ve struggled with it too. And it’s true this new age movies abet it. I had even read articles about benefits of masturbation, (they are there in the internet) maybe to justify my habit, but still I’d feel empty after doing it. I’d pray about it and at times I’d overcome it for over a year, but something would trigger it back…sometimes stress,sometimes after watching something graphic, gyrating at the club, dry spell, girls in the streets.. Etc. I remember watching The wolf of Wall Street and one of the tycoons while giving advice on how to keep a level focused head in the stock market business was by jacking off in the morning before going to the office, I know it’s just a movie and it’s true that jacking off gives one a momentary period of a clear head. However the ultimate result is that you end up being a lustful being lusting after everything in a skirt and you get stuck in that vicious cycle always leaving you in regret. I’m 26 now and I’ve not dated in many years, intentionally so because I’d not want to bring in someone in my life while I still possess this self destructive habit, let her find me struggling with something else but not masturbation .continue with this good ministry. You are a blessing.
Good article. Whats your advice for a man whose given up porn and masturbation but still struggles with the physiological aspects of going without i.e. Nocturnal dreams. Unfortunately I don’t have a church with strong men who care about peoples problems. Their only concern is the work you’re doing in the church and how much more you can do for them. So, no support or prayer there.
Hi John. Good question. Seek a fellowship outside your local church that is set on this standard of purity. Start one if need be.It must be saturated with scripture reading and prayer. Eventually you will get freedom.
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Am blessed.. thanks for speaking the word of God to young men and women. May God continue to lift and use you to touch the lives of other people. You are a great inspiration. Your appearance on the standard newspaper today led me to this site.
You are blessed indeed.
Amen! We praise God for that!
Amen great piece
It is important for young people who are struggling to come up, be open and get deliverance from the Lord. He already paid for it when He died on the rugged cross. The devil will always place you in a cage to believe that you are the only one going through that and that you will never be forgiven. Thanks be to Christ who carried our shame. Thanks to Earnest for being available to be used as a vessel. I have learnt that God can use your dirty passed for His glory, just like Don Moen sings, ‘everything I have been through use it for your glory’. God bless you brother.
Hi Ernest, I’m struggling with porn and masturbation, I need help and want to be free from this bondage. Many youth are in this too. They think its normal, there needs to be a talk about this, specifically pornography addiction and masturbation. Keep me in prayer, I feel so unclean when I pray.
Hello Beloved. I hear you. I am praying for you. Please get my book, LUST AND THE CITY from http://www.africanbookhub.co.ke and then let me know. It will really help you
thanks for sharing your experience.i am currently in such a rut.start and stop.and I honestly need to come out of this kindly help
Hello David, please sign up for my program, POWERHOUSE. Send an email with your full names and phone number to info@penstrokes.co.ke
I am also strugling with mastubation and porn i want God to free me so that i can worship him in truth and spirit.
Trust him. Don you have a copy of my book?
Hi, I’m Alex.
I’ve been battling with porn addiction for so long.
It leaves me feeling so guilty and worthless, i need to change, and I feel i need to talk to someone about it.
I started it in high school due to low self esteem, now it’s 10 years later and i still watch porn!!
There is nothing quite as addictive as pornography and masturbation to a person with low self esteem.
Hey bro. Seen your email too. I am responding there in a bit.
I want to live a life that will glorify God and my sexual desire, please pray for me.
Hello Beloved, please write to us directly at info@penstrokes.co.ke
Hi am Christian born again struggling with masturbation have struggled to stop but i find myself back , please i need help.
Please inbox me, Alex. info@penstrokes.co.ke
Please kan u in box me in email…..Ernest….plz
Email me info@penstrokes.co.ke and I will respond
I was exposed to porn and learnt about masturbation from a very young age before I even knew what it really was. Now I am an adult and I have found what I have needed for a long time. I have read other articles on sexual purity, but this article really struck my heart. I was really moved when you wrote, “How extreme and serious was Jesus Christ when he bled on a Roman cross for me? He died for me; I shall live for Him”…..I will never forget these words. Pray for me that I remain strong as I start the journey to recovery.
Amen and amen! May you receive your total healing!
Pingback: 4 reasons why followers of Jesus should be wary of nudity on TV - Pen Strokes
Thanks a lot for this Earnest. I’ve emailed. I also need prayers as I chart out of this evil path. Glory be to Jesus who sets captives free.
Hi Mr Ernest, before I begin, I want to say that I’m not very good when I have to write in French for that reason you can see many mistakes in my message.
I want to thank you and all people here who share their story. I really want help this time, in fact I start looking for help years ago. I’m 29 to day and pornography and masturbation really destroyed many chapter of my life, my social life and above all my relationship with God. I thousand time tried to with that, I always failed, no one to talk about, just myself. I really feel empty sometimes and so far with God,
I pray to God, I need him to fight with me, I failed by myself. I want a new start, a new relationship with him. I want to be the real me because I know I m better than that.
pray for me when you have time.
may God helps all people around the word who struggling with Sexual sin, may Jesus helps them , fight with them, fight with us. and may Jesus helps all people who doesn’t know about it, to never start it.
God bless you !
Thank you for writing, Nel. May God keep you. Starve the flesh and feed your spirit man. God’s victory is sure!
Thank you ernest for the article. am battling with the two help me get over them and remember me in your prayers
Praying, Winnie. Please inbox me so that I send you resources. info@penstrokes.co.ke
Don’t worry, JESUS will visit you tonight. Only JESUS can save you from your blasphemous mindset
Ernest tbanks alot i am teen and i have been going throgh the same lustfull acts but knowing that you overcame i know l also will overcome and be one with christ may you be bleesed more more thank you
Hey bro, please register for POWERHOUSE so that you can be free. Send your full names and phone number to info@penstroskes.co.ke with the subject POWERHOUSE
Hi brother, this article really hit home in a big way. I’ve been struggling to get free from this addiction for 12 months now but the flames are still burning. It hurts deep in my soul that I’ve given myself over to this sin. I’d say that I’ve been addicted for about 15 yrs. I’m married with 2 children and at age 38, I’ve never felt less of a man because of what this sin does. After confession to my wife and my community, I’ve received their forgiveness but I’m mostly concerned about where I stand in relationship to Jesus. I believed that Jesus was my savior when I heard the gospel at a very young age. I Stopped going to church in my late teens but never said I would change what I believed about what Christ did for me. As soon as I lost accountability with Christians and just begun living in the world, conviction started to fizzle. Fast forward to about 2 yrs ago going back to church with my family, listening to my pastor I just began to feel miserable. I knew I was full of sin and because of my pride, I chose to keep it secret for about the first yr. Finally after a sinus surgery while in recovery at home, I found myself alone in my thoughts and began to see what I had become. I became anxious and depressed. I was so disappointed in my myself to where I became suicidal. I didn’t have plans to follow this through but the thoughts plagued my mind. I didn’t know where to turn and this followed several weeks of darkness. I finally reached out for some help but at the time could not figure out what was going on. A couple of months passed by and a neighbor was walking by and stopped to talk to me. I opened up a little to him and he explained that everything going on was simply due to a fallen world and that it sounded like I needed to plug back into Jesus. It hit me so hard at that moment and I cried out to God for his forgiveness. At that moment I was flooded with tears and then peace came over me, it was a long lasting radiating sensation from head to toe and I could recall having similar feelings as a young man. I felt as if my Heavenly Father was hugging me upon that return. So several weeks passed by and I began to fight the urge for porn, but it’s like it was hitting me harder than ever. There would be days where I’d give in and then say to myself I can’t keep doing this. A few weeks passed by and a stranger who I met in public invited me to a bible study. Then at that bible study introduced me to the doctrine of Calvanism, and gave me a good crash course and showed how it all ties in to scripture through this System. I’d never in my life even heard of this as I didn’t grow up in a Church that taught this at all. When I read Romans 9, Gods sovereign choice, Jacob I loved, Esau I hated and the guy leading the study slammed the book shut and said how’s that for some meat. Then he really started to hit me with this theology and I began to doubt weather I was ever truly born again. I started to say how could I have been looking back at the last 20 yrs, porn addiction, alcohol abuse and even infidelity. I started to consider that maybe God chose me for destruction, maybe God hated me before I was ever born and my first 18 yrs were all fake. I then became hopeless and more depressed than ever, I had no clue as to what to do and have spent the last 12 months trying to figure out where I’m at, is this theological view point actually Biblical, it’s put me in a state of fear and terror. I can’t sleep, hard time eating and exercising so my health is suffering. I’m not able to give 100% to my family and cry out to God every day to set me free from all this. And if Gods already planned out my life, and it’s for destruction there isn’t anything I could do about it. I know Moses said to him please don’t destroy the Israelites and God changes his mind. I’ve become so afraid, and if I don’t somehow break free from this porn addiction I’m lost.. I know this was a long post but I’m sure someone else out there has felt similar and any prayers or advise I would be thankful.
Jordan, call me- +254 724 112 130
I feel like you were telling my story ,I’m a girl and you were speaking to my soul.I seriously don’t know what to do,I feel like I am in a cycle of this sin…
one moment I feel like I have overcomed it ,the next moment I am back at it again.I am tired and I need help….I feel so ashamed to talk about it cause I feel like I would be judged or something….I feel so broken inside😭😭…I want to have a strong connection/relationship with God.I don’t know what to do,I need help🙏😪
Hello Edidiong. I hear you and I feel your pain. I have got some resources for you. I want to email them. Please write to me and I will send them. My email address is ernest.wakhusama@gmail.com. You will be free, Beloved.
Am also going through the same here sister..am stuck and am afraid that this will grow into an addiction….😭😭😭God help us
Please WhatsApp Ernest and ask for his book, Lust and the City 0724 112 130
Sir am also struggling hard with Masturbation and Pornography but to speak out is very tough for me I need help… Pls help me with your direct contact sir am in a confused state.
Hello Hezekiah, please WhatsApp me 0724112130
Thank God for you! Am 24 and i have been struggling with masterbation and porn for about 10 years. I accepted Jesus as my saviour when i was 16 and happly commited my life to him but i backslide some months later and got back unto masterbating and porn habits. So i have been strugglin with this addiction since then. I have at times cried to God for help, i have fasted, and made vows to God that i won’t do it again thinking it’ll help me but with no success. I have never confessed to people only to God. But after going through what you have wrote, i clearly understand that i need to expose this darkness, i need to confess to people. Therefore am thinking of confessing to people but i know that it won’t be easy. Therefore, please pray to God for me that i do this. I thank God for you and may He richly bless you.
Amen Eli. You will be free! Please keep me updated.
I also masturbate and watch pornography please pray for me that I might find a suitable person to tell this to
Hello Sir!
Thank you for taking out the time to pen down such gracious words.
I have been bound to masturbation and porn since the year 2013. I have gone through periods of 1 month, 2 – 3 months, without having to engage in the act. But all of a sudden I relapse.
I am saved and I sense the calling of God on my life. I have had the knowing personally, I have also had other men and women of God tell me so too. But as I write to you, i have lost hope in ever becoming anything in God’s Hands. I have struggled to break off but each time I find myself going back again and again.
I am 27 years old and will be 28 by September. I fear I may never be able to truly walk in God’s fullness for my life. Socially, this has also made me almost dysfunctional. i fear to mingle as I feel very hypocritical. Do I have any hopes?
I would be glad to hear from you.
There is hope for you, Emmanuel. Please WhatsApp me on +254 724 112 130
I need your help ,please pray for me
Hey ..Am Robert ..a first year student at Tom Mboya University…after reading the sample of the testimonies ..I also have burden a burden of addiction to porn and masturbation
..I started masturbating in 2018 ..April ..till now .I have tried many times to leave it bt some demonic spirits still drag me to those ..even currently a day cannot pass without me masturbating ..I have a lot to share ..my request if anyone can pray with me and also to guide how to pray in order to overcome the acts ..because since I started masturbating doors to opportunities have been totally close for example before I started masturbating I used to top in my class bt since I started to drop drastically..anyone out there pray pray pray for me …kindly pray for me or inbox me so that you can tell me more of the word of God …0703867545 my WhatsApp number
I have just whatsapped you, sir. Let us talk.
Thank you so much for this article. Im a lady aged 25 nd iv suffered from this since fr more thsn 15 years now. I stumbled across some disc in a room nd from then i couldnt stop hvng the picture in my mind. I hate myself so much coz i feel like a hypocrite. I know God wants to do great things in me for me but porn and masterbation hold me back especially whn im alone at nght around 2 at the hour of prayer instead i just look into it. I really would like to get out of this cz its killing me inside out
Please whatsapp Ernest for help +254 724 112 130
Hello Sir,
Please, I need your Help and Encouragement.
I also need deliverance and healing from this mess. I really need a retentive memory.
Thank you very much in advance and anticipation.
My WhatsApp Number is +234 706 968 6986
I will reach out, sir.