Tagged: Manhood


Of all the weaknesses of masculinity, none makes a man more unattractive than passivity. A man who simply lives life by watching it pass by instead of taking action will not only be unable to seize the valuable opportunities that come his way, but he will also be a pariah to the woman he intends to spend the rest of…More


Are today’s men many enough? I wrote this piece a few days ago on my Facebook timeline and it went viral. It was based on some teachings I learned from my friend Boniface Nyoike, a few years ago, and some from my own quiet times with the LORD. I decided to give it more flesh today. Male irresponsibility in our…More


A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of teaching a group of about 15 teenage boys. I was taking them through a series on biblical manhood. Before we read from the scriptures, I began by narrating an unfortunate incident that occurred to a friend of mine. One Sunday night, earlier this year, two lady friends of mine walked from…More


A few weeks ago after preaching to a couple of teenagers and young adults, a number of youth walked up to me and asked to see me in private. One of them confessed that he had been struggling with a porn addiction. He had been invited to a birthday party at a friend’s hostel. When he got there, he found…More


Last year alone, from our interaction with several young married couples, we noticed that there are some men in church who behave badly in their marriages because there is no one to rebuke them when they are out of line. Their heavy involvement in ministry and their religious Sunday faces gives the impression that they are good husbands. Meanwhile their…More


I recently posted a Facebook update about four things that a born again husband ought to do for his wife as required by the Lord. It gained considerable traffic and many people were interested in it. I decided to expound each reason and add a fifth. So these are five things that a married man of God is required by…More


Boniface Nyoike is a good friend of mine. I invited him to speak at the Men of Integrity (Mo1) ministry that I lead at CITAM Valley Road mid this year. Apologies for the distractions in the recording at the start. If you are a man, I urge you to be humble, teachable and listen. Listen. Generally speaking, we men hardly…More


One of my favourite books in the men’s section is “Dangers Men Face” by Jerry White. I remember reading it just before I proposed to Turi. I was working as an intern, constantly wondering if I would make enough money to buy that golden ring I saw in downtown Nairobi. I looked at my paycheck and compared it to my proposal…More


Why do you want to marry our daughter?” The question had been asked severally and frankly, I was growing weary of answering it. Still, I recited my response with a positive face. It had been three hours in the same chair surrounded by my fiancée’s father, grandfather, uncles and elder cousins. It was 8 men versus one.  I sat in…More


The world is starving, hungry for a breed of men that will chart the course that generations will emulate. The dire need for men who will blaze new trails in unknown territories is at its zenith. Dreamers The world craves dreamers. Men who can dare to cast a vision for their lives. The world craves pioneers who fear not for…More

 There is no traffic along the extra mile, a man full of wisdom did once say. No one who goes out of his way to please his woman faces resistance. Have you tried taking the extra mile in your relationship with the opposite sex? The result is a relationship worth more than gold, rubies and the Bill Gates Foundation savings…More

Statements fly everyday that say the future is bright. The future is big! The future is for you! However, the critical disclaimer that is never appended to these beautifully crafted words whenever quoted is this; only applicable to those who are disciplined now. All of us men will pay; some for enduring discipline and some for the lack of it. The chief gaping difference…More

Men will be always be required to take care of the fairer sex; women. Even despite the fact that the ladies may drive bigger cars, earn bigger cash, and dress in shinier suits, they are desperate for a Charming who will be courageous for their sake. In fairy tales, the princess in the tower is swoon because of the prince…More

Growing up, the world told me that if I wanted them to know I’m a man, I must raise my voice and be heard above the stereo and television combined at volume 26 and 32 respectively. I had to grow muscles that bulged like the Himalayas such that I couldn’t touch my shoulder if I flexed a bicep. And the flexing was not just…More

I once heard someone ask: If Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, the perfect gentleman and the perfect lady once crossed a busy street, who got to the other side first? The answer is the perfect lady. All the others are figments of your imagination. That humorous conclusion compels us to ask. Are good men really a rare commodity? Is gentleman,…More