Tagged: Death


The world’s life expectancy is currently 72 years. The life expectancy in my country, Kenya, is 62 years. If we round off these ages, you could generally say that the average person will die between the ages of 65 and 70. We often attribute mid-life to the age of 50. But it really is a wrong assumption because the majority…More


Today’s blog post is by a guest writer by the name Andrew Kiserema. Andrew runs the blog MAISHA NI SAFARI. He has penned a personal account on pain and suffering. May it be a blessing to you and your loved ones. Pain and Suffering: Overcoming the Death of a Loved One By Andrew Kiserema We will all go through difficult,…More


When I completed my high school studies I was thrilled, to say the least. Perhaps my enthusiasm had something to do with resting my cerebral cortex after four years of cramming, reading and studying principles that I have still not put to application. I mean, really, who uses Flemming’s left hand rule in life? Or perhaps it had to do…More


Brother Vincent Cincotta 1947-2009 Old. He never liked it when I called him that; old. Not that I had grown to be that free with the man, but I did call him old once. Twice, actually. And he did retaliate. Make no mistake, I respected Brother Vincent, or as he preferred us to address him; Hermano Vicente. It’s Spanish for Brother…More