Tagged: Porn


This is to encourage any believer who is currently stuck in any sexual addiction. I’m borrowing these lessons from my own personal struggle and with pornography and masturbation and the victory I experienced afterwards. These are things I wish I knew then, based on the reality I was facing. 1. SHIFT YOUR THINKING You want desperately to be free but…More


Of the top 10 visited websites in Kenya, two are porn sites. About 3 are betting/gambling sites. This means that more than half of our golden Internet time as Kenyans is dedicated to addiction. During this quarantine season, more people are online than before. And without the monitoring systems of work and HR, it is not unusual to hear that…More


It is increasingly difficult to come across mainstream entertainment that does not titillate your sexuality. For followers of Jesus Christ, our existence on this planet is not a chemical accident. We believe in the origin, the purpose and the destiny of life. Above all, we believe in an author of life for whom the world has been created to glorify.…More


A few weeks ago after preaching to a couple of teenagers and young adults, a number of youth walked up to me and asked to see me in private. One of them confessed that he had been struggling with a porn addiction. He had been invited to a birthday party at a friend’s hostel. When he got there, he found…More


Hi Ernest, your blog articles have helped me a lot. Please don’t stop writing. Often we criticize men of God when they fail and keep mum when they do well. I think it is a disservice to the Body of Christ. I’m learning to appreciate the people God is using to build me. But that’s not why I am writing. I have…More


Dear parent, your teenager could be addicted to porn and you have no clue. If that does not send shivers down your spine, the rest of the blog probably will. Hopefully the shivers will stir us to do the right thing and not repeat some mistakes we are currently making with pornography and our children. If you live in an…More