Browsing: Relationships

Articles on Christian dating, courting and marriage unions


A few thoughts from my quiet time today morning. I am studying the sermon on the mount in the book of Matthew by our Lord Jesus. When he gets to the Lord’s prayer He teaches this: “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” Jesus ties the request for God’s forgiveness to our extension of forgiveness to others. One…More


On the 1st of September 2012, Waturi and I exchanged our vows on the lawns of Brackenhurst Limuru. How a dozen years have passed by befuddles me! The journey has peaked north and sunk south. The net effect has been a grateful journey that I would not wish to take with anyone else but Waturi. In the good and the…More


Hi Ernest, I need some advice from you. I am a 20-year-old girl in my second year on campus. I am also born again. I just moved out of my parents’ house. I am staying in a girls’ hostel near campus. Over my time at the university, I have made friends- with both girls and boys. The reason I am…More


Today is our 10th year marriage anniversary! Ten years ago on the 1st of September 2012, we stood on the green lawns of Brackenhurst in Tigoni and exchanged our vows. As we start counting double-digit revolutions around the sun, we thought to share 10 things we would have loved to hear a decade ago as newlyweds. We sat down yesterday…More


“I want a divorce!” One of the most discouraging things to witness in a newly married couple is a lack of grit when facing a minor disagreement. In the past year, we have had newly married men and women write to us on this account. In a nutshell, these newlyweds have had spouses who have used the D word in…More


Father’s day is coming up. The more years I clock as a father, I cannot help but notice the profound impact that the male parent has on a child. I have understood this impact even more owing to the sessions of counselling I have with couples; many relationship problems between a husband and wife can be traced to father wounds…More


Ernest delivered a message on dealing with rejection at the Technical University of Kenya Christian Union. Here is the recording of that message. More


Christian friends on social media, let us normalise slowness to speak when we hear or read news from one spouse concerning a broken marriage. I am noticing a flurry of social media updates from hurting couples who seem bent to tell their side of the story directly or indirectly. One of the underlying effects is that the partner whose side…More


Hello, Ernest. I am a believer and I have a question. We are taught to honour our parents. But what if one’s parents are not worthy of honour? What is the point of the fifth commandment? The fifth commandment in the decalogue (Exodus 20:12) states “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the…More


We have been able to compile content for you on Handling Conflict in Relationships in a Healthy Way. We are making this resource available to you FOR FREE. You can access this eight-part audio series resource via Google Drive by clicking on this link: . If you do not have a Gmail account to access the files, we will soon…More


Queen Waturi turns 31 today. After being married to her for nearly eight years, I, as her husband, can confidently say that Turi has embodied Proverbs 31 as she turns 31. So here is King Solomon’s chapter manifested in the wife of my youth. This is 31 at 31! Proverbs 31:10 “A wife of noble character who can find? She is…More


During the quarantine, I have been able to put together an eight-part series on Handling Conflict in Relationships in a Healthy Way. This is part one. It has been made available for free.  Access the rest of the course here: International audiences that seek to purchase the course will soon have a link with Paypal and VISA options. More


STRUGGLING WITH UNFORGIVENESS One of the bona fide insignias of a truly born again believer is a forgiving heart. It is by far one of the most striking characteristics in the life of someone who has encountered the grace and mercy of the Risen Christ. It is a clear sign of fruit. A self-proclaimed believer who withholds forgiveness vehemently and…More

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