Browsing: Dating and Courting

Articles on pre-marital relationships leading to marriage


Hi Ernest, I need some advice from you. I am a 20-year-old girl in my second year on campus. I am also born again. I just moved out of my parents’ house. I am staying in a girls’ hostel near campus. Over my time at the university, I have made friends- with both girls and boys. The reason I am…More


Hi Ernest, I am considering getting into a serious longterm friendship. Many married people tell me that it is good for me and my partner to be friends. My question is, what does friendship look like? What should I look out for? Thanks for writing, Beloved. The following is a response from our book BAESICS: Setting the Right Foundations to…More


Ernest delivered a message on dealing with rejection at the Technical University of Kenya Christian Union. Here is the recording of that message. More


We have been able to compile content for you on Handling Conflict in Relationships in a Healthy Way. We are making this resource available to you FOR FREE. You can access this eight-part audio series resource via Google Drive by clicking on this link: . If you do not have a Gmail account to access the files, we will soon…More


Hi Ernest, I need your advice. So my boyfriend and I have started dating. We are serious and heading for marriage. We are both born-again believers. We have made our stand on purity clear based on our values and our mutual faith in Jesus. We wanted to agree on everything so that there are no red flags. We even agreed…More


Waiting on God’s timing can seem difficult when everyone else around you seems to be moving forward. While some worry about their biological clock, some about family’s expectations and others about getting the right man to settle with, the lady is waiting is equipped with grace from God to thrive in all seasons- dry and bountiful. Volume 14 of Boy…More


From several talks with young adults who have ended dating relationships, I noticed that most of them (especially women) keep tabs with the ex’s progress by occasionally stalking their social media. When I ask them what’s the motive, the answer is often something that sounds like this, “I don’t want to see them happy because that will make me feel…More


OUR NEW BOOK My wife, Waturi, and I have written a new book. The title of the book is BAESICS: Settling the Right Foundations to Marry Well. The book is a premarital guide for couples and individuals contemplating marriage. The book can also serve as a brilliant refresher post-marital book. We hope to inspire future marriages by helping them set the right…More


Should I start a relationship when the feeling is not mutual? Hello Ernest, I am a single Christian lady. I sense that I am getting into a season where the LORD is preparing me for marriage.  There is a man who claims he loves me. We are both born again. He is mature in his faith and I like that.…More


A friend once forwarded to me a certain message about conflict in a relationship. I tried retracing the message but couldn’t find it. I’m not sure who the source is, but I remember the short story. It went like this. A man and his wife are in the house on a relaxed day without much activity. The man is reading…More


When we address Love, Sex and Relationship issues in conferences and events, many professing believers ask us, “Is it okay for me to date or marry an unbeliever?” The answer may seem obvious to many mature followers of Jesus, but for many growing believers, this question ought to be answered well for them to understand why the answer is “No.”…More


Hello Ernest. I like your articles a lot. They have helped me grow. Sorry to be direct but I need your help. I am a campus student in Nairobi. I got born again recently and I must say it is the best thing that happened to me. I did not understand the gospel until recently. The reason I need your…More

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