Tagged: Jesus


The story of Joseph in Egypt teaches us that what seems like unanswered prayers from God, a life of seemingly unending pain, unjust suffering and uncertainty about our future could very well be the ingredients to the right life and God’s perfect plan for our lives. Joseph’s greatest prayers are answered exceedingly, abundantly and beyond what he could ask or…More


It’s a new year! God be praised if you are in it, alive and well. The newness of the year often brings a new bounce to our steps. It is almost as if life is lived more intentionally in the month of January. We seem to be intentional about our health, our relationships, our careers and together with all that…More


Today in my quiet time, I was reading Luke chapter 2. I got to the part where the shepherds that were tending their flocks by night and an angel of the LORD appeared in God’s tremendous glory and they were afraid. The angel appeased the shepherds and announced that a saviour had been born. It was the birth of Jesus.…More


The two thieves on the cross teach us a compelling message on God’s salvation. The thief that mocked Jesus only believes in a salvation that involves him getting out of the current pain he is facing. And when Jesus does not do that, he insults him and is almost vividly upset that he is still on the cross.  Many people…More


Pastor Timothy Keller once said, “The Bible is not about you.”  He is right. The Bible is about one central character- Jesus. Jesus Christ is not a random character who appeared in the 40th book in the Bible i.e. Matthew. Jesus was not the plan B of salvation after plan A of the Law “failed.” Jesus is the main theme of the…More


“She doesn’t drink, she doesn’t smoke, she doesn’t sleep around. She must be a born-again Christian.” How many times have you heard that? Too many people in our post-modern culture would agree with that statement. Too many people are wrong. The truth is that our world is filled with many morally upright people who believe that their good behaviour equals…More


Exodus 20:3 has the first commandment of the Decalogue: “You shall have no other gods but me.” With the biblical and historical background of Israel written for us, we can easily point out the idols- the golden calf, the Baal statues, the Asherah poles and the molded pagan deities. It is easy to look at all those and think, “Well, I definitely…More


When man walked on the moon, the world was amazed for a while. When God walked on the earth, the world was amazed for a lifetime. Centuries on and the man Jesus Christ remains the most iconic, most influential and most intriguing character in all of history. The God-man’s terrestrial assignment, in his own admission, involved bridging the gap between…More


Søren Kierkegaard  once said, “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” The Christian faith when it first came into the scene was too incredible to believe. To say that God loves, God incarnated himself into Christ, God died, resurrected and that He associates with the…More


This thing about your name on a Coke bottle is great! If you don’t like it, don’t take it badly. It’s nothing personal. Really, it’s not that they chose to ignore you or anything. It’s just that…well…how do I put this? It’s just that your name is Kiogora. If it’s any consolation, I haven’t yet found one with the name…More


I played football in high school. I was a number 5 defender and I did a pretty good job at it. Like many other players, I had a substitute. Whenever I got injured, fatigued or I under-performed, I was asked by the coach to take the bench and a fresh player would take my position. At times, you have to…More


Christ Jesus The Greatest Wonder; when it pained, he stayed When all the forces of evil rallied around humanity, he took our place. His pores gave in and elicited blood for the dread of what was before him. His flesh turned flaccid, his bones grew weary but his will stood steady. He didn’t fear the nails driven through his wrists…More


In the beginning, The MANUFACTURER of all that exists created a computer called Earth. He had innovated many programs for the computer. He installed an operating system called Mother Nature. The operating system hosted other programs and received commands from the Manufacturer. He the installed the various programs he had innovated in the operating system such as the Land Animals…More


Life with Turi has been like a series. Season one: Dating. Life was filled with highs and lows, laughs and cries and it all led to a season finale that left everybody in suspense. Was he going to marry her? Season two: Courting. I guess we are a few weeks to the end of that season to usher in another.…More