Tagged: The Gospel


Have you ever battled with such a question? Have you ever sought to understand why evil thrives when God is good and powerful? The recent terrorist attack in Westgate mall in Nairobi city left many dead and even more injured. The faith of Kenyans in their God of all creation is amazing. The great work by the defence forces showed…More


I had a lot of fears growing up. I feared I would not find a decent girl to marry. I feared not being liked by my circle of friends. I feared not being appreciated after doing a good job. I feared not performing well in my academics. I feared losing my family members to death, amongst many other fears. I…More


I have been in a cell before. The walls are tall. The concrete is cold and so is the ambience. The public vehicle I was in together with 13 other passengers had no seat belts. We were all arrested, handcuffed and thrown into a gloomy and drab cell in the basement of the Nairobi City Kilimani law courts. For the…More


Growing up, the TV programmes, the cartoons, the grownups, the teachers and even some religious leaders said that bad people go to hell and good people go to heaven. I believed it. I grew up struggling to be good only to realize that no matter how good I became, I wasn’t heaven-bound. I said the sinner’s prayer and went to…More


Imagine yourself in debt. Imagine yourself in two kinds of debt. The first is your electricity bill worth 750 KES. The second is a tax bill from the government for arrears worth 8million KES. Imagine by some unfathomable reason, you incurred both. You can afford the electricity bill but you cannot afford the tax arrears. If you don’t pay your…More


Christ Jesus The Greatest Wonder; when it pained, he stayed When all the forces of evil rallied around humanity, he took our place. His pores gave in and elicited blood for the dread of what was before him. His flesh turned flaccid, his bones grew weary but his will stood steady. He didn’t fear the nails driven through his wrists…More


In the beginning was the Lamb, the Lion and the Wind. They were the first life created by Elohim, the maker and supreme life force that transcended the cosmos. He appointed them as viceroys of his Shalom, on earth. The Shalom was the surety of the presence of Elohim. The Lion, the Lamb and the Wind held the representation of…More


Bart at the cross Bart was having the horror of his life. For this moment in his life, he wished his eyes would fail. He wished his blindness returned. He was still getting accustomed to the visual life of colour and the beauty of trees, buildings and the faces of people. He looked at the man hanging on the…More


I’m proud, self-centered, egoistic, ill-mannered, slothful, hypocritical, and malicious. That’s not a very good self-esteem , you say. Well it’s not but it’s why Ernest needs Jesus. I’ve always believed that if Christ could save Ernest Wamboye Wakhusama, then he could save anyone. But it wasn’t always like that. There was a time when I thought myself to be very…More


In the beginning, The MANUFACTURER of all that exists created a computer called Earth. He had innovated many programs for the computer. He installed an operating system called Mother Nature. The operating system hosted other programs and received commands from the Manufacturer. He the installed the various programs he had innovated in the operating system such as the Land Animals…More