Browsing: Relationships

Articles on Christian dating, courting and marriage unions


Courage often skips a generation. And often, it comes back from unexpected places. “If God wants us to get married after campus, he will give us car in 2010.” I spoke these words to my then girlfriend, very skeptical that a God who could split the Red Sea could grant such a bizarre request. We had just talked of the…More


I attended a boys-only boarding high school. In one of my poems from high school it reads, “wrote love letters to sweet little Mary. Made photocopies to Lucy and Njeri.” I would like to say that that was true. That would make a good story, now wouldn’t it?  But it’s not. However, the idea behind the humour is true. Girls.…More


Life with Turi has been like a series. Season one: Dating. Life was filled with highs and lows, laughs and cries and it all led to a season finale that left everybody in suspense. Was he going to marry her? Season two: Courting. I guess we are a few weeks to the end of that season to usher in another.…More

Dear reader, Today’s blogspot is a guest article from a writer I admire. Mr. Owuor Kuyoh. I asked Owuor to guest write this week on Pen Strokes because the same spirit and the same ministry or reconciliation rests in his heart and lies in his words. Not only will you enjoy this read but you will be transformed to devote yourself to a league…More

God doesn’t have favourites but he has intimates. I have seen this to be true in my life. After struggling to find the pencil that all along was on my ear for such a long time, I came to learn that every man who desires to live a life of fulfilment with a godly, loving, romantic and mature woman (the…More

I once heard someone ask: If Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, the perfect gentleman and the perfect lady once crossed a busy street, who got to the other side first? The answer is the perfect lady. All the others are figments of your imagination. That humorous conclusion compels us to ask. Are good men really a rare commodity? Is gentleman,…More

As a man living in the 21st Century, pledge from now henceforth to be a man who loves and treats his lady as a valued co-heir of the kingdom of Christ. Friendship I will be her friend at all times before being her boy-friend/fiancé/husband. I will invest my time, energy and resources for a relationship of mutual love between us.…More


For Part 1 Click here For Part 2 Click here Dolly Gitonga. Spirited woman. The best lecturer I’ve met so far. Nothing would stop her from teaching an enjoyable English class. Not even if it spelt JET. And therein lay the problem. JET shared ENGLISH 1106 in classroom A in the Spring of 2009. JET was ostentatious and working against Dolly’s mettle.…More


For Part 1 Click here Turi and I date a meeting history as far back as 2007. Our paths crossed and we never realized it. She attended Kianda Girls. I attended Sunshine Secondary School. Kianda was a day school with neat lawns and trimmed fences. Sunshine was a boarding school with dusty grounds and cracked pavements. Two worlds. Two leagues apart.…More


Real men risk rejection. What do you do when you have thrown all the signs possible to show the girl of your dreams that you like her? You wait, that is what you do. You man up and wait till you’re bored to tears waiting for her to say yes. You could throw more signs her way and risk them…More

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