Christ Jesus The Greatest Wonder; when it pained, he stayed When all the forces of evil rallied around humanity, he took our place. His pores gave in and elicited blood for the dread of what was before him. His flesh turned flaccid, his bones grew weary but his will stood steady. He didn’t fear the nails driven through his wrists…More


In the beginning was the Lamb, the Lion and the Wind. They were the first life created by Elohim, the maker and supreme life force that transcended the cosmos. He appointed them as viceroys of his Shalom, on earth. The Shalom was the surety of the presence of Elohim. The Lion, the Lamb and the Wind held the representation of…More


What would ruin you? What part of your life if amputated from you would leave you devastated? What can’t you imagine living without? Have you thought about it? Your answer may range in the list below: My family, My career path, My mum, My boyfriend, My wife, My husband, My girlfriend, My job, My reputation, My education, My friends, My talent, My money, My voice, My car, My investment, My health, My child, My good looks, My lifestyle There’s…More


Have you ever felt so angry at someone that the words that came from your mouth were equivalent to Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the soul? Or have you been so depressed that, though you have never voiced it, you contemplated suicide? Have you been so excited before that your thrill and joy caused you to act totally out of character?…More


Dear reader, In 2012 I made a radical decision to get married young from an impression I received from the Lord. Today’s blog has something to do with that. Today’s blogpost is by a friend to my wife and I. Her name is Esther (AKA Ess). The three of us served in the Student government at USIU in the years…More


Relationships are sweet when you receive affection. They’re sweeter when you give affection. They’re sweetest when it’s mutual. Hey, I just came up with that! You can quote me if you want. If you’re obsessed about receiving attention in a relationship, your need (read greed) will never be satisfied. Relationships thrive best when we give. Give your money, give your…More


In 2003, I did something foolish. A girl I didn’t know signed my autograph book in primary school and I lashed out at her. Apart from the verbal damage I caused, I drove the nail deeper when I ripped out the page she signed before her very own eyes. I had a very strong choleric nature and in the discomfort…More


Bart at the cross Bart was having the horror of his life. For this moment in his life, he wished his eyes would fail. He wished his blindness returned. He was still getting accustomed to the visual life of colour and the beauty of trees, buildings and the faces of people. He looked at the man hanging on the…More


My country celebrates a 50-year jubilee of independence this year. Kenyans like myself expect a lot during this anniversary. We expect a new president. We expect a new parliament. We expect a better police force. On a personal level, there are things that I too expect. I expect to get a raise. I expect to be in good health. I…More


This weekend, I was faced with the hard decision of bribing a police officer or paying a hefty fine that would require surgical removal of my kidneys for auction. I seem to have a high affinity towards police officers. Last year, I missed my Spanish DELE exam because the matatu I was in was stopped by traffic officers. I was…More


Before I met Waturi, I had kissed a girl. I was 18 and sexy, looking for an equally sexy girl to complete this package. I had a knack for getting bad girls but not this time. This time she was right for me. We met through mutual friends. She was a believer and so was I. What else mattered? She…More


Jesus requires a generation of youth in the 21st century to have these characteristics: holiness and Christlikeness! How can we be those things however when the reality is that sex is the theme of our TV screens? Loose tongues are on our radios today and hatred for the things that are of God is rampant in almost every inch of…More


I’m proud, self-centered, egoistic, ill-mannered, slothful, hypocritical, and malicious. That’s not a very good self-esteem , you say. Well it’s not but it’s why Ernest needs Jesus. I’ve always believed that if Christ could save Ernest Wamboye Wakhusama, then he could save anyone. But it wasn’t always like that. There was a time when I thought myself to be very…More


Dear reader, Today’s blogpost is from a guest-writer, Mr. Owuor Kuyoh who has written for Pen Strokes before. His writing is one I admire and his ministry is one that inspires. We are of the same body, same doctrine and same spirit with Kuyoh. This particular piece I highly recommend to anyone experiencing sexual struggles, especially those in the body…More


Scores of brilliant men and women have lived and died. In all their funerals, what was most important wasn’t what they did but who they were. You’re alive and reading this blog. So, who are you? They say, ask a man who he is and he will tell you what he does. Ask a woman who she is and she…More