In the beginning, The MANUFACTURER of all that exists created a computer called Earth. He had innovated many programs for the computer. He installed an operating system called Mother Nature. The operating system hosted other programs and received commands from the Manufacturer. He the installed the various programs he had innovated in the operating system such as the Land Animals…More


Courage often skips a generation. And often, it comes back from unexpected places. “If God wants us to get married after campus, he will give us car in 2010.” I spoke these words to my then girlfriend, very skeptical that a God who could split the Red Sea could grant such a bizarre request. We had just talked of the…More


There are times in our lives when we need to move into new territories and abandon old ones. These are times when we have to let go of the status quo and venture into new waters. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s scary; it’s uncomfortable and it’s threatening. However, when the cost of staying where you are outweighs the cost of…More


I attended a boys-only boarding high school. In one of my poems from high school it reads, “wrote love letters to sweet little Mary. Made photocopies to Lucy and Njeri.” I would like to say that that was true. That would make a good story, now wouldn’t it?  But it’s not. However, the idea behind the humour is true. Girls.…More


Men of faith are not always faithful men. And the vice versa is also true. A man of faith has great trust in the person of Jesus. He believes without wavering doubt that what God said will come to pass. A faithful man is one who delivers/ acts on what he believes. There are faithful men but faithful for the…More


Dear reader Today’s blogpost is by Mr. Owuor Kuyoh. Owuor has guest-written for Pen Strokes before. See his previous article by clicking here. I hope that Kuyoh’s article will inspire heroism in you like it did in me. May the spirit of Christ be reflected in the words of this blog. Grace & Peace Ernest SLINGING STONES One of life’s most head…More


Life with Turi has been like a series. Season one: Dating. Life was filled with highs and lows, laughs and cries and it all led to a season finale that left everybody in suspense. Was he going to marry her? Season two: Courting. I guess we are a few weeks to the end of that season to usher in another.…More


There are many broken-hearted Christ-led women out there, hungry and passionate for the things of God. The number is amazing! The current quandary in our society of men who have not stepped up to maturity is no news. I write this not as one who is the epitome of maturity, but as one who desires to be so realizing there’s…More


The world is starving, hungry for a breed of men that will chart the course that generations will emulate. The dire need for men who will blaze new trails in unknown territories is at its zenith. Dreamers The world craves dreamers. Men who can dare to cast a vision for their lives. The world craves pioneers who fear not for…More


To every daughter of Eve, From pages of papers to stages of theatres may this word be echoed and transmitted to the souls of maidens all around the world. May the hearts of the fairer sex be warmed and inspired by the words of this letter. May your hopes be rekindled and the embers of faith be evoked to new…More


(This is a part 3 sequel to the Civil War trilogy. To read part one, click here. To read part two, click here) Men have fears. Men have tears. Mine were all too real. From pages of papers to stages of theatres, the call of peace cries out. Did they know what they did? Did they know that when those…More


(This post is a sequel to part 1 of Civil War. If you haven’t read part one, you can read it  by clicking here) Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win. Stephen King was right. Sometimes they do more than win. They gloat and they taunt you. They laugh in your…More


January 2008. The atmosphere was thick with dread. It had come to this; war with our brothers. Endless queues and inked fingers in polling stations for what? Civil war. The frustration in the country drew much deeper from a long time bottled hatred than the confounding 2007 election. Demons were loose. These people didn’t even know how to handle weapons…More

Dear reader, Today’s blogspot is a guest article from a writer I admire. Mr. Owuor Kuyoh. I asked Owuor to guest write this week on Pen Strokes because the same spirit and the same ministry or reconciliation rests in his heart and lies in his words. Not only will you enjoy this read but you will be transformed to devote yourself to a league…More

When I began my origami business in 2011, I dared to approach established people to seek opportunities to work with them. I once approached the CEO of a design company and asked him if he would be interested in the paper art. He agreed and asked me to see him the following week. I was held up because of a…More