Jesus and Joseph of the Old Testament


The story of Joseph in Egypt teaches us that what seems like unanswered prayers from God, a life of seemingly unending pain, unjust suffering and uncertainty about our future could very well be the ingredients to the right life and God’s perfect plan for our lives. Joseph’s greatest prayers are answered exceedingly, abundantly and beyond what he could ask or imagine. The unjust suffering of Joseph is justified. The uncertain future of Joseph is assured. The story of Joseph in Egypt also mirrors the sufferings of Jesus and paints a powerful picture of the life of the Saviour.


Joseph’s future was to rule over his brothers

Jesus’ future is to rule over the world


Joseph’s father treasured in his heart the prophecies made about his son

Jesus’ mother treasured in her heart the prophecies made about her son.


Joseph was betrayed and surrendered for money.

Jesus was betrayed and surrendered for money.


Joseph escaped death from envious brothers and went down to Egypt.

Jesus escaped death from envious Herod and went down to Egypt.


Joseph came down to Egypt to save the world.

Jesus came up out of Egypt to save the world.


The elevation of Joseph saved his brothers from death.

The elevation of Jesus saved the world from death.


Joseph was exiled from his family into the wilderness of Egypt and there he faced temptation.

Jesus was exiled from humanity into the wilderness and there He faced temptation.


Joseph was punished for a crime he did not commit.

Jesus was punished for sins he did not commit.


Joseph went into the King’s prison after he finished his work at Potiphar’s house.

Jesus descended to hell after He completed His work on earth.


Joseph’s help led a forgiven captive out of prison, the cupbearer.

Jesus’ help led many forgiven captives out of Sheol, Abraham’s bosom.


Joseph sat at the right hand of Pharaoh.

Jesus sat at the right hand of the Father.


Joseph forgave his brothers and brought them into a new land.

Jesus forgave humanity and brought them into a new Kingdom.


Joseph redeemed the Jews into the inheritance of the gentiles in Egypt.

Jesus redeemed the gentiles into the inheritance of the Jews in Israel.


The body of Joseph did not remain in his grave.

The body of Jesus did not remain in His grave.

















Ernest is a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband, and a father. He has been married to Waturi since September 2012. They have three children- Thandiwe, Ivanna, and Theo. He is also the author of four books. The Wamboyes are passionate to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly taught and understood in our post-modern world. They are champions of biblical discipleship and furthering the Kingdom of God by transforming one person at a time. They are the founders of The Relationship Centre Ltd (TRC), an organisation that aims to promote biblical family values in contemporary urban communities.

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