Just how far is too far? If you haven’t asked that question in relation to Christian dating, you’ve probably thought of it. How far is too far? Many Christians have asked me this question. Ernest, how far is too far in terms of physical affection in a Christian relationship? Is kissing wrong? Is holding hands okay? I know sex is wrong…More


For Part 1 Click here For Part 2 Click here Dolly Gitonga. Spirited woman. The best lecturer I’ve met so far. Nothing would stop her from teaching an enjoyable English class. Not even if it spelt JET. And therein lay the problem. JET shared ENGLISH 1106 in classroom A in the Spring of 2009. JET was ostentatious and working against Dolly’s mettle.…More


For Part 1 Click here Turi and I date a meeting history as far back as 2007. Our paths crossed and we never realized it. She attended Kianda Girls. I attended Sunshine Secondary School. Kianda was a day school with neat lawns and trimmed fences. Sunshine was a boarding school with dusty grounds and cracked pavements. Two worlds. Two leagues apart.…More


Real men risk rejection. What do you do when you have thrown all the signs possible to show the girl of your dreams that you like her? You wait, that is what you do. You man up and wait till you’re bored to tears waiting for her to say yes. You could throw more signs her way and risk them…More


Brother Vincent Cincotta 1947-2009 Old. He never liked it when I called him that; old. Not that I had grown to be that free with the man, but I did call him old once. Twice, actually. And he did retaliate. Make no mistake, I respected Brother Vincent, or as he preferred us to address him; Hermano Vicente. It’s Spanish for Brother…More

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